Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Birthday Wishes and Blogfests!

So it's my 23rd birthday day today, and yes I am going to work. Perhaps my managers will grant me an Early Release. Who knows? It is Disney, after all. Along with my birthday, today also marks my three month blogiversary. Woot!

I just want to give a big shout to all my followers and subscribers who have made In My Write Mind successful. I look forward to your continued support.

As a special gift to myself today, besides working in Hollywood, I am announcing a blogfest. Yes, bring out the trumpets and snares. Another blogfest is on the way!

I haven't yet designed the badge or links, but will do so very soon. I am scheduling the blogfest tentatively for the first week in October. Would you care to know the subject?

C'mon you know you do...

What, you really want it to be a surprise?

No, I couldn't possibly...

Well, being the giver and lover of blogging and writing that I am, I'll give you the low down.

The blogfest will be focused on your hooks. That's right, people. Those nasty first few pages that must grab attention, lest your manuscript be discarded into the slush.

And it shall be known from this day forth as:

The "Hook, Line & Sinker" Blogfest

I think that is a suiting title for the fest, don't you?

So please, if you're a follower and/or subscriber, start spreading the word. Please blog about it. Post it on your twitter. Just redirect any traffic to In My Write Mind. I'll be working on the badge in the next couple days. If you are interested, and I know it's super far in advance, please leave a comment on the post so I can start seeing a preliminary list of participants.

Thanks for all the love and support!

Until next time.

Peace and Writing Love,



  1. Hey there, I'll put this up in my sidebar- I have several nlogfests up on it- so if you want to be sure not to have yours the same day as someone elses, please check them out :) I'd be interested in joining if it doesn't coincide with another one, its hard to do two blogfests at the same time :)
    Sounds like it will be a great force in helping with the first pages.
    Happy birthday!

  2. Hi,

    Many Happy Returns to future 7th of Septembers.

    Sounds like a great blogfest!


  3. That's a great idea for a blogfest! Oh, and Happy Birthday, by the way!

  4. I'll put in on my Upcoming Blogfests sidebar. Sounds fun! Hope you have a happy birthday.

    Edge of Your Seat Romance

  5. Happy Birthday!

    This sounds like a really great idea! I'm horrible at writing hooks, so I'm looking forward to it :)

  6. Happy Birthday!

    Hope you really didn't work all day.

    And I can't wait for this blogfest. My hook is somewhat lacking.


  7. Justin! I just posted it on Facebook (and I did text you at midnight, but...) Happy Birthday again!!! =D

    <3 Tara! =D

  8. Happy birthday partner! Sorry I missed it. Work's been trying to kill me recently.

    I will sidebar this. What day are the blogfest entries supposed to be made?

  9. @Mesmerix: I haven't decided yet. I need to make sure it doesn't conflict with anything else.

  10. Happy Birthday and blogoversary, Justin!

    Sounds like a great (if utterly terrifying LOL) blogfest! Please, if you get a sec, let me know when you pick a date- was thinking of doing a fest too in October (was going to do it this month then I got sick!) and I wouldn't want to schedule it too close to yours.

    Hoping I'll be well enough to participate and will link when you get the banner and all up!


  11. Sorry I'm late to the Birthday Party (throws confetti, pops balloons)

    You know me, I'm always up for a blog fest. There are a couple I've found for the first few days of October, but so far, mid October looks pretty empty. At least from my view of the blog.

    I'll post you on my side bar as Octoberish.

    Looking forward to it.


  12. Happy belated and I will have your blogfest up on my fest page. Make a badge for it and the world will spread faster. We artist types are a visual sort.

    BTW, I have a bit of something for ya over on my blog. Enjoy and good luck--and good idea!

  13. Fun! Happy belated birthday, and I'll sign up. I have one this Thurs. that is also birthday related--my blog's 1st birthday! So, come on over and check it out my blogfest!



"Little by Little, One Goes Far." -- J.R.R Tolkien.

I believe this as a philosophy, from a man who saw war and setback, and conquered all to bring us the greatest fantasy series that has ever been published. Leave your little comment and I'll get back to you.